Selecting the Right Chromebook for Your School, Staff and Students

Finding the Right Chromebook

In 2020 the pandemic changed the way schools use Chromebooks. To meet the existing, and new needs of schools, Google developed a wayfinding guide to help you find the right Chromebook for your use case:

  1. Identify the primary use case, or how the device will be used.

  2. Map out the device specifications required for these use cases.

  3. Make recommendations for devices that meet these needs.

  4. Compare across the device ecosystem and find the right device.

Discover the right Chromebook for your school, staff and students based on your primary use case

Shared student devices

  • Web browsing

  • Email

  • Google Workspace or browser based classwork

  • Assignments and testing

Classroom and distance learning devices

Supports multiple browser tabs, Google Workspace, concurrently with video conferencing with 15+ participants,

Teachers, staff, higher education, high school devices

Recommended for heavy workloads including content creation/editing, coding, running apps in virtualised environments
Supports heavy multitasking (large video calls with 15+ participants, multiple browser tabs, Google Workspace, external monitors/displays).

Finding the Right Device

Identify the specifications you need. Find the right device that matches your required specs and suits your needs.

Supported peripherals: Works With Chromebook is a peripherals certification programme ensuring compatibility across all makes of Chromebook devices. Here is the list of certified peripherals across various categories including Headsets, webcams, mice, external storage, cables & adapters, wall hangers and others.

AUE: Auto-update expiration: You can find information about Auto-update expiration for your devices here. Devices listed on the following pages have AUE of 2026 or more.

Connected devices: Devices with LTE/5G SKUs have been marked with an icon.

Chromebooks are a range of simple yet powerful devices with built-in accessibility, productivity and security features to help enhance teaching and learning, wherever it takes place. Google for Education will help you find the right Chromebook, whether you’re looking to upgrade your device or switch to Chromebook. Still unsure on how to find the right device? We understand each school has separate, unique needs. For further support and consultation, please get in touch with the Sweethaven team.

Zero-touch enrollment: For the most updated list of devices enabled for zero-touch enrollment, reference here.

Devices that support Parallels: The recommended hardware specifications for Parallels are available here. Devices eligible for Parallels is available to reference here.

Talk to our Google for Education to receive personalised consultation, tailored to your needs.


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